
the crossroads of art and life

A List. An Award.

Many thanks to Pearly Queen Notebook for bestowing me with the One Lovely Blog Award. I am long overdue in thanking her and passing on the goodwill to so many other deserving artists and writers. Pearly Queen makes new jewelry from old. I have huge respect for this....

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The New Day, According to Ralph

  “Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson I came across this little wise nugget via my childhood Kristen this morning. Sometimes the right words just drop in...

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Listen! {in memory of summer evenings}

"Listen! The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves, We have had our summer evenings, now for October eves!” Humbert Wolfe Autumn has only arrived, in accordance with the calendar. Though leaves have been falling and the air is chill each morning for a few...

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    Something in here that is beautiful