by Sue Schlabach | Jan 6, 2013 | Christmas, Holidays, homepage, Natural World, Vermont, Winter
Today I took down the Christmas tree. The momentary sadness was instantly replaced with the euphoria that comes with moving the furniture around. I trimmed the rosemary plant of dry ends and woody twigs, filling the house with its piny scent, to replace the...
by Sue Schlabach | Dec 2, 2012 | Christmas, Creativity, Friendship, Handmade, Holidays, homepage, Natural World, Vermont, Winter
Fresh snow fell yesterday morning. A nice way to begin December. I pinned the first of Peggy’s jingle bells to the hem of my coat, opened the first of my 24 advent packages—a gorgeous garland of rustic wooden stars—sent from my dear friend in France, and headed...
by Sue Schlabach | Oct 22, 2012 | Autumn, Color, Eating and Cooking, Farm Life, Garden, Local Food, Natural World, Vermont
My husband came through the door about 30 minutes earlier than usual this evening. “Quick!” he said, “Let’s plant the garlic before the sun goes down.” I was fiddling with an image in Photoshop and the glow of my computer screen...
by Sue Schlabach | Oct 10, 2012 | Autumn, England, Family, Natural World, Sewing
An autumn bed of leaves under our maple tree reminds me of a performance of Midsummer Night’s Dream that I saw in Stratford, England, when I was 19. It was the later 1980s. Life was my oyster. Before the woodland scenes the stage crew rolled out a carpet of...
by Sue Schlabach | Sep 12, 2012 | Natural World, Paris, Summer, Travel
7:30 on a Sunday morning in Paris is mostly quiet. The streets are deserted, but littered with debris left by the revelers of Saturday night. In empty cobbled passageways the flutter of pigeons’ wings passing between the roofs is the only sound to join the...
by Sue Schlabach | Aug 24, 2012 | Autumn, Creativity, Design, Handmade, In the Studio, Natural World, Sewing, Summer, Vermont
This is what late August feels like-misty and chilly when we wake up. Our view is eclipsed by clouds that sit on our hilltop obscuring everything a few feet beyond the windows. I am out in the studio at 7 am and the sun just broke through the fog. Outside me door jays...