Walker Hill, Fable Farm, and More Swallows

In February I traveled to Kochi in Kerala, India, for 10 days of bold color, rich connections, and a renewed appreciation for leaping out of my comfort zone. I came home to mud season and sent pictures of snow and frozen rivers to new friends. They sent me pictures of a parade of elephants. How this trip will manifest in my artwork, I cannot tell you. But I’m sure it will.

I came home and got right to work finishing some new work for the Members Show at the Bryan Memorial Gallery which opens on Saturday, March 9 from 3-6. If you want to take a weekend roadtrip, grab a friend and come on up. We have to do things like this (roadtrips) while we wait for the snow to melt and the dirt roads to dry out. It’s muddy out here in East Barnard.

© Sue Schlabach