Thank you Robert Shetterly for your vision and fortitude in bringing your art Americans Who Tell the Truth to my local gallery, The White River Gallery at BALE in South Royalton.
This is the third time I’ve had the privilege of seeing some of your portraits in person, and each time I am moved to believe that artists can invoke deep thinking and inspire viewers to action.

On this day, when we honor Martin Luther King, we can also honor the lesser known heroes of our time and of our history.
Those who also stood up for things they believed in, and took risks to be heard. Through your paintings I’ve seen my own heroes and seen and heard new voices.
See Robert Shetterly’s artwork from now until early April 2020 at The Common’s @ BALE, 35 South Windsor Street, South Royalton, VT 05068. Call 802.498.8438 or email for hours.
View Robert’s entire gallery of portraits here.