Happy Thanksgiving from the American prairie.
Here we are in Kansas. An eclectic feast is simmering in the kitchen- tamales side-by-side with turkey gravy. Two pumpkin pies bake, scenting the air with allspice and cinnamon.
We’ve come here from Vermont, Pennsylvania and Brooklyn, to gather and cook, laugh, catch up and relax at the home of my sister and brother-in-law.
I’m grateful for the brief change of scenery and climate (it’s warm here!). The wide plains of golden fields, baked crisp from the summer drought, and greening fields of freshly planted winter wheat are vastly different from my view at home, yet so beautiful to me.
In our flea market exploring yesterday I found this vintage bakelite telephone. It reminds me of all the connections in life-near and far.
I immediately dialed my childhood phone number, and for a moment the years slipped away. I almost expected that my 10 year old self would pick up. What would she say? Probably, “When will the pies be ready?”
Very nostalgic post, Sue. I remember those old telephones. ‘Hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving feast 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Oh, this was so touching.. you made me feel like I was picking up the phone myself.. so many memories in those old phones.. The feel of the dial. Yes, we’d be wondering what time supper was:) xx Happy Thanksgiving!! xx
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Sue! Enjoy.
Beautiful blog! Hope you had a great thanksgiving!
We have become an instant gratification culture – now we have speed dial. With those phones, you had to wait just a moment for the dial to spin around between numbers. I wish my kids had experienced some of those things. I hope your Thanks giving was slow and easy! 🙂
and oh, how very delicious those pies were – for Thanksgiving dinner, AND day-after breakfast!! it was so nice to visit the prairies with you!
Ah, you hit on exactly the right tone. Beautiful post.