Mudded In

Mudded In

Early spring is a test of visual deprivations. Scents are coming back on the breezes. The fug in the barn when we leave the house is damp wood, hint of tilth, awakening squirrel den, and thawing woodpile. Daffodils, lilacs and cut grass are at least a month away....
Finding The Lost Garden

Finding The Lost Garden

Fall is here and I’m still nursing an elbow injury that I got last April right before we moved to The Little Brick. My ideas for a summer of gardening had to be put aside. No serious digging, pruning or shovel work for me. So I took to the gardens and field with...
Painting Under the Sky

Painting Under the Sky

WHEN YOU PACK UP your tubes of paint, brushes, fold up easel, and all the rest, you find out quickly what you forgot as you set up to paint outside on a summer day. When it’s hot and sunny I often forget my hat. Sunscreen sometimes too. (Luckily I paint with a...