Above photo credit: Jaylyn McFadden
Flax Art
In January I hung an installation called Murmuration at the AVA Gallery in Lebanon, NH, as part of their Scaffolding Exhibition. It is open from now through March 1. I’ll be teaching a flax sculpture workshop on March 8. Come out and build something with your hands!
Last September I curated a flax art exhibit in the historic church in East Barnard, Vermont. I’ll be working to find more places to exhibit this unusual and beautiful collection of work made by 11 artists (self included). We learned the signature methods for felting and sculpting with flax from master Belgian artist Germana Tack.

My studio is the former taproom in an 1830s brick house in rural Vermont.
But my favorite studio is under the sky where I get started on most of my paintings. The French call this en plein air, meaning in the open air. My brother gave me an old easel and it accompanies me around the back roads and hillsides near my home. In 2022 I started painting from the bed of our old pickup truck (I saw the Irish artist Elizabeth Cope doing this on the pages of Faire magazine and had to try it). I spend the winter months finishing my summer paintings, and creating dreamscapes that are composites of the places I’ve been fortunate to go. I work in slow-dry acrylics by Golden Paints and use wide hardware store brushes and Rosemary artist brushes. Just love them!
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From my journal
January Gardening
January thaw came and went last weekend. The temps rose to mid 50s and after walking the dog on our muddy road I got motivated to cut back the dried perennial stalks by the house and in the garden. When my mom got sick last fall, cutting back the garden...
A Girl and Her Chicken
The last months of 2019 are in the rearview mirror, and I'm happy to have them behind me. I leave that time a little bruised and vulnerable, having lost my mother to a rapid decline from stage 4 cancer in mid November. She was a force of nature and a muse to...
The Pleasant Consequence of Interruptions
Memory flashback: June 7. I set up my easel at the corner on Belknap Brook Rd and Dairy Hill in Tunbridge, Vermont. Morning breeze keeps the black flies in check (sort of) and the farmhouse just up the meadow from me is lit in filtered sun. Chervil is...
See Original Art Here
- MUD Exhibit, Artistree, Pomfret, Vermont, March 15-April 19
- Sparrow Art, All that Glitters Exhibition, Middlebury, Vermont through April 5, 2025
- First Branch Coffee (Vermont)
- In my home studio by appointment
Registeration Open!
- Making Flax Sculptures - 1 day workshop, March 8, Lebanon, NH
- More Abstracted Landscape with Acrylics - 1 day workshop, March 15, Pomfret, VT
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